(CS 101) Projects in Machine Learning

2018 Fall Term

Course Description

Prerequisite: CS 155 or equivalent

This is a project-based course for students looking to gain practical experience in machine learning. Students are expected to be proficient in basic machine learning. Students will work in groups. Each group will be provided a project topic to work on along with domain expert advisors. Alternatively, students can propose their own projects, subject to approval by course instructors.

Course Details


Yisong Yue               yyue@caltech.edu
Omer Tamuz            omertamuz@gmail.com

Teaching Assistants


List of Projects

subject to change

Learning an Optimizer. Train a neural net to solve hard combinatorial optimization problems, such as Traveling Salesman.

Learning a Theorem Prover. Train a neural net to solve potentially undecidable problems, such as theorem proving.

Earthquake Monitoring & Detection. Train a neural net to do better earthquaking detection.

Bridge AI. Building a team of collaborating AI to learn to play bridge.